Know The Signs: 3 Reasons To Visit Your Dermatologist Right Away

Summer may be over, but you still need to pay attention to your skin. If you're like most people, you might think that cooler weather means you can let your guard down where your skin is concerned. However, that's simply not the case. The truth is that you need to pay close attention to your skin throughout the year. Part of that attention includes visiting a dermatologist about once a year. An annual skin examination will help your dermatologist monitor issues that could become a problem. In addition to the annual skin examination, there are other times when you should visit the dermatologist. For instance, if you're dealing with any of the issues described below, it's time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist

You Can't Calm the Itch

If your skin itches from time to time, you can usually resolve the issue with some over-the-counter creams. Most itchy skin issues are due to irritations or allergies. However, there are times when itchy skin is a sign of something more severe. If you've got an itchy spot on your skin that you can seem to soothe, despite trying everything, it's time to see your dermatologist. The itchiness could be the sign of something more severe, such as skin cancer. 

Your Mole Has Changed

If you're like most people, you have more than a few moles on your body. In most cases, those moles will remain the same color, size, and texture. However, if you've got a mole that's been changing color, size, or texture, you need to visit your dermatologist immediately. Mole changes need to be taken seriously, as the changes could be a sign of cancer. To protect yourself, always monitor your moles for changes. Some additional changes you should watch for include bleeding, scabbing over, or pain associated with the mole. These changes should be checked by your dermatologist. 

Your Sunburn Is Painful

If you're going to be heading to the snow this winter, be sure to protect your skin from sunburn. You might not think that your skin can burn during the winter, but that's not the case. It's actually the sun's ultraviolet rays that can burn your skin. Unfortunately, those UV rays can be just as strong during the winter. If you develop a painful sunburn this winter and it's accompanied by fever, blisters, or red streaks, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist right away. 

Don't take chances with your skin. If you experience any of the issues listed above, talk to a dermatologist as soon as possible.
