Tips For Preventing Osteoporotic Fractures
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones lose their density and can become fragile and brittle. This medical condition is typically found in older adults, particularly post-menopausal women. An unfortunate side effect of osteoporosis is osteoporotic fractures, which can commonly occur in the hips, wrists, and spinal column of people who have osteoporosis. Use the following tips to help prevent osteoporotic fractures:
Bone Density Testing
It is very difficult to prevent osteoporotic fractures if you are not aware that you have osteoporosis. As you age and your hormones change, it is essential to have regular physicals and talk to your doctor about bone density testing. Bone density testing is a simple procedure that measures the bone density in a person's hips and lower spine. If your bone density test shows that you have osteoporosis, your doctor can create a treatment plan for you.
There are several medications that are prescribed to people with osteoporosis to help slow or reverse the loss of bone density. One popular medication for this condition works by promoting mineral deposition in the spinal column. This type of medication is typically prescribed when a person is at risk for spinal compression fractures due to osteoporosis. A second type of medication that is used to help prevent osteoporotic fractures is a type of hormone that encourages the formation of bone-forming cells while suppressing bone-destroying cells.
Dietary Changes
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for healthy bones, and many people with osteoporosis may be deficient in one or both of this things. A change in diet can often help slow the loss of bone density. Calcium can be added to your diet by eating dairy products, leafy green vegetables, peas, seeds, and nuts. If you are not able to get the recommended amount of daily calcium, you can also take calcium supplements.
Vitamin D plays a very important role in helping your body absorb calcium. If you have a vitamin D deficiency, eat more fatty fish, like salmon, cheese, egg yolks, and beef liver. Your doctor may also recommend taking vitamin D supplements and spending more time out in the sun.
Regular Exercise
Exercise plays a huge part in preventing an osteoporotic fracture. Prior to starting a new exercise program, speak to your doctor. Activities like walking and slowly jogging are good weigh-bearing exercises that can help strengthen bones and prevent fractures. However, exercise that is very high-impact should be avoided, since they can put too much stress on weaker bones.